Morning Sun, Iowa fourth of july badges


Since 1968, when the town of Morning Sun, Iowa celebrated it’s 100th anniversary of being granted a charter, there has been a badge commemorating the annual celebration held each July 4th.

From 1968 to 1986, badge designs featured a wide variety of patriotic themes and bright colors. Shapes were circles; rectangles; and ovals.

From 1987 to 1998, badge designs featured local historical landmarks and events.  Shapes were circles and colors were black and white.

In 1999, bright colors were re-introduced for the “50th Anniversary” badge, and have continued ever since.

Over the years, the town of Morning Sun has featured an outstanding 4th of July celebration, and the sale of these badges  has been important in funding the total homecoming event.  Also a great success, and fun for the citizens, has been the generous prizes offered by local businesses for winning badge numbers!

The 4th of July badge has become an important tradition in this annual celebration, and represents a unique historical view of this time honored event. 

You may view badges from link at top of page, or CLICK HERE.



Badge Trivia Quiz:

What was the name of the first badge issued in 1968?

What badge had no date on the front?

What badge featured the school colors - green and gold?

What badge featured a frog?

One badge featured a “clock tower”.  What time was on the clock?

What was the significance of this hour?

Find answers at bottom of page two.


Make plans to attend all the great festivities and be sure to get your badge!